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Weekend Wrap Up

Something I Learned: The U.S. Army is funding studies on mindfulness and its effects on active duty soldiers.  The heads of the study, Dr. Amishi Jha and Major General Walter Piatt, have been working on the benefits that soldiers experience including the management of PTSD, better reintroduction to civilian and family life, and better decision making in high stress situations. The duo are also looking into the best ways of teaching mindfulness as well as trying to move forward on training before deployment.

Moment of Joy: being able to spend time with family and friends I don’t get to see often.

Fears:I fear that I’m just defective and that almost is right. I’m just crazy. Even though he’s only one person I’ve ever dated that had called be that, it had seriously stick in my psyche.

One thing I want to Change: my cleaning schedule. I’m tired if just doing nothing all week and feeling overwhelmed in the weekend. I need to come up with a schedule.

Maybe something like this?

Something I’m Thankful For: Being able to the good and enjoy the simple things in life. There are so many people who don’t see the good in the world or just focus on the downside of life. They can’t appreciate things.
Embarrassing Truth: I enjoy dancing around my apartment, pretending I’m Britney. Lol if I can’t sleep, can’t focus, I just turn on some music and rock out.


29 thoughts on “Weekend Wrap Up

  1. Loving that cleaning schedule! I really need to implement something like that. And for the record, We’re all just a little bit crazy and that’s a good thing. It’s hard not to let something someone else said about you take up all the room in your head. I’ve been there myself but had to learn how to tell myself a new story. You’ll get there!

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  2. I love that they could be incorporating mindfulness training with the military! My grandfather had major PTSD struggles and ultimately passed away due to the effects of alcoholism. Now I live in a town with a HUGE military presence and I can’t help but worry about the PTSD impacts on all of these men and women. More awareness and studies are crucial to keeping our military healthy! Thanks for sharing such great news!

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  3. Even I believe that such schedules help us to keep everything orderly. It also strikes out the need to sit and think, first thing in the morning about the chores. Simply follow the routine and everything falls into its place….

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